When Kamen Rider Become More and More Like Super Sentai!

Written by Eddy Woo on 5:56 AM

People always say, Kamen Rider isn't Super Sentai, period. Is it? I personally don't think so because one thing for sure, after watching kamen rider for so long, starting from Kamen Rider 555 to current Kamen Rider KIVA, they getting more and more "colorful", if you watch Kamen Rider Kabuto, they basically got all the five color available and more(Kabuto - Red, Gattack - Blue, Zabee - Yellow, Kick Hopper - Green...)

Well, you may say I might got the color part correct but at least, there's no giant robot. Guess what, Kamen Rider may not got giant robot but they got several giant trains that can gattai into and now on KIVA, we got CastleDran that got some gattai of it's own.

Let me explain what is now happening in the world of Kamen Rider:

  1. Marketing - Create more toys for kids and that means more sales and of course, more revenue for the company.
  2. No one like a lone ranger - The good, old days of a lone cyborg fighting against an evil organization is over.
  3. More storylines - How much storylines can you think of when you got one main characters.
Below is a clip from Kamen Rider KIVA 8 and one thing - Good Job:

Chou DaiBouken Appear!

Written by Eddy Woo on 6:09 AM

Chou DaiBouken appear for the first time in the show, after it been seriously beaten by both Gaja and Ryuuwon earlier on episode 10, of course, today we got Chou DaiBouken to even the odds at the end of the day.

There isn't really much for me to say on this episode, except see you on the next episode.

A funny scene from episode 11:

Not another Clone versus The Original Storyline!

Written by Eddy Woo on 5:43 AM

I guess you more or less know what happen on episode 8, it's like I say on the title; it's a case of The Original (BoukenBlue) vs Clone and the clone happen to be a precious. This what happen at the end, while the boukengers is thinking who is the real BoukenBlue (both real and fake Souta had henshin in to BoukenBlue), our BoukenBlack got a bright idea of his own by chosing to shoot at Natsuki (BoukenYellow) instead, he even pretend to bluff us audience by claiming Natsuki is fake.

Of course, as predicted the real BoukenBlue jump forward to save Natsuki and solve the problem of guessing who the real deal. Sometime, I really wonder what would happen if the clone copy BoukenBlue abit too good, maybe that mean we get to see part II of this episode. Or why the Boukenger never learn from Saiyuki Reload (they got a clone fight in one of the episode too), they just say: "Okay, whoever win the fight is real".

A scene from episode 8:

GoGo Sentai Boukenger - BoukenRed Finally Loosen Up

Written by Eddy Woo on 9:08 PM

Finally, Satoru Akashi/BoukenRed has finally loosen up and make himself look silly for a change, starting on episode 6. Well, it's about time he do that even though he may be "The fiery adventurer" in the show, doesn't mean he got to be so serious, after all, this over serious role normally belong to "DekaBlue" from Tokusou Sentai DekaRanger or "MagiYellow/MagiGreen" from Mahou Sentai MagiRanger.

By the way, all my previous clips upload on YouTube has been removed, I'm so disappointed with YouTube over their actions.

Here's a clip from episode 6:

DAIBOUKEN SHOVEL Look Like Bakyceloknuckles From Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger

Written by Eddy Woo on 7:57 PM

I'm just finish watching episode 5 of GoGo Sentai Boukenger as usual, the first 5 episodes would be dedicated to all of the Boukengers: Black, Yellow, Blue, Red and now Pink so the next few episodes would be on the "Negative Syndicate" before they get a new member to their team and get "version up" as their enemies get even stronger.

Today, DAIBOUKEN SHOVEL make it's first appearance, instantly it remind me of Bakyceloknuckles From Bakuryuu Sentai Abaranger; the boxing bakuryuuso I'm not too suprise, if Daibouken keep on detach and attach new gear to it in future fights.

Here's the scene of GoGo Gattai for this episode: