Oh My! Our BoukenBlack need to see a dentist!

Written by Eddy Woo on 5:48 AM

With Mahou Sentai Magiranger behind me, I really got high expectation on this new show: GoGo Sentai Boukenger. Well as usual in my view that is, the show would be slow moving at first but once it reach episode 10, you simply get addicted to it. (like me)

I'm not going into any further into this show since it's only episode 1 and it's won't be fair to make any judgement now. Anyway, if you never notice it, our good ole BoukenBlack really need to visit dentist, for a show that got all the young pretty girls and handsome guys fighting villains weeks after weeks; it's really hard to accept that one of their main characters actually got such a flaw.

It's such a waste but who know maybe because of this, we can get to see more actions, instead of talking. And not to forget, our BoukenRed is so much more serious compare to his earlier role as Daikokucho Mitsuomi in Hanazakari no Kimitachi e.

Here's a scene from GoGo Sentai Boukenger with BoukenBlack in it:

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